1. 神学院 (SOT) faculty adopt Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for SPS curriculum as a whole; determine curriculum for each degree; assign relevant SLOs to each course; include the SLOs in the course syllabus; choose assignments to measure the SLOs; and approve and implement curricular revisions and instructional improvements as needed.
2. 学生提交分级作业和课程评估. Graduating students undergo exit interview; results aggregated 提交给SOT院长和研究生课程委员会(GCC).
3. Instructors grade student work; select sample artifacts of student work for assessment. SOT faculty and Seminary 咨询委员会 (SAB) assess artifacts from courses; Dean and GCC propose curriculum revisions and instructional improvements; report to SOT faculty.
SOT教师决定每个学位课程的学习成果和目标, 为该项目制定合适的课程, 并为该课程中的每门课程设定学习成果. 每门课程的教师选择的作业既适合该课程的主题,也适合为它设定的学习成果, 并为每个作业建立合适的评分标准. 一旦课程结束, 教师根据在线课程评价和其他反馈对课程进行必要的修改, 并提交样本分级工件,以供随后对整个课程进行评估. SOT和SAB审查来自所有神学院课程的样例工件, 汇总数据, 评估每个学位课程的学生在多大程度上达到了该课程设定的学习成果, 并在必要时提出课程修改和教学改进建议. 这些建议由海湾合作委员会审查, 哪个机构定期评估每个学位项目的教育效果, 审查课程修订和教学改进的建议, 操作所需的更改, 并监控进度. 除了对学生作业的评估, SOT通过ATS ESQ收集的学生意见来衡量有效性, GSQ, 以及网易彩票app自己的离职面谈程序.